Lactose Intolerance
Hidden Lactose
What Is Whey?
At The Market
Eating Out
About NoWhey.org

All About NoWhey.org

NoWhey.org is dedicated to helping people with Lactose Intolerance.  I started the website because I'm constantly amazed at the amount of food that contains whey (or other forms of lactose) for no apparent reason. 

Maybe if enough people make enough noise about it, food manufacturers will wise up and start removing whey from their products.  NoWhey.org is part of that noise.

But let's get one thing straight.  This site is NOT about being a vegan or even a vegetarian.  It's not about avoiding anything that came in contact with a cow.  (Steak is one of my favorite foods - and it's lactose free!)  It's not even anti-dairy industry.  It's simply about lactose intolerance.

You can help support NoWhey.org by buying all your books, DVDs and other merchandise through our amazon.com link on the Bookstore page.  Not only do we have some featured books on Lactose Intolerance, but if you click the general amazon link you can shop for any product amazon.com carries.  When you do that, it doesn't cost you a penny more, but we make a little bit each time you do.  So I encourage you to bookmark our Bookstore page and use that every time you want to shop at amazon.