The Lactose Free BookstoreBrought to you in association with, here are a selection of books about lactose intolerance. While LI affects millions of people in this country, try and find a book about it at your local bookstore! Most now have a few lactose-free cookbooks, but that's it. So I've created this page with links to the best books on the subject. Shopping on this page is a great way to support Use these links to purchase our featured selections: General Books on Lactose Intolerance
Milk Is Not for Every Body : Living With Lactose Intolerance
Steven Carper's great book on Lactose Intolerance. It simply has no
equal in the field. If you want to know all about Lactose Intolerance, you
need this book!
Living Well With Lactose Intolerance
by Jaime Aranda-Michel, MD and Donald S. Vaughn. Not as comprehensive as
Steven Carper's book, but less expensive. If you only want one book, get
Carper's. Lactose and Dairy-Free Cookbooks(One of the reviews of one of these books on amazon gave the book a bad review because it contained eggs! The reviewer felt misled because the book was advertised as "dairy-free". Get a clue folks! Milk does not come from a chicken! Eggs do not count as dairy just because of where they are in the supermarket!)
Secrets of Lactose-Free Cooking
by Arlene Burlant
The Lactose-Free Cookbook
by Sheri Updike
Dairy-Free Cookbook, Fully Revised 2nd Edition by Jane Zukin
101 Fabulous Dairy-Free Desserts
by Annette Pia Hall. Desserts are sometimes some of the hardest recipes to
convert to non-dairy. Here's a book all about desserts. Can't find it here?
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haven't listed here. Bookmark this page and use it whenever you want to
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way to help support If there's a book we should be featuring but you don't see it here. then please let us know. Authors: If you want you book reviewed on this site, then send us a review copy. Contact us via email for instructions, |